Peter Pollock’s voice is warm and authoritative.
His readings will lend intelligent confidence, clarity and gentle wit to your audiobook narration or voiceover track. Born and raised in England, Peter moved to London to make TV commercials – and then onwards to New York City where he produced radio and TV ads for brands like Burger King, IBM, Red Cross and many many more.
Peter loves exploring different genres. He has narrated coming of age stories, FBI thrillers, LBGTQ teens, science-futures, London gangs, spies, werewolves, vampires and candle readers; and bio-terror in the Australian desert. He is currently starting on a couple of terrific books: one about excess and the media in Berlin 1930 and the other a sci-fi written in the 1950’s about a reclusive millionaire and inventor, described as “prophetic and nihilistic.” Excerpts are below.
Available on Audible.com, Amazon, Apple Books
Audiobook Montage
From The Edge of Madness by Raymond Gaynor
The birth of Draff
The aromas of sexual partners
The SuperSalsaSexcapade
From Black Rose: Larkins Barkin’ by Pete Adams
The dodgy crumpet
The ice cream van at the funeral
Chas, Maude and her new wife
From the Falk and Koski, Secret Agent books by A.G. Hayes
The Judas List: The church vault, Goering, Vienna 1945
Who’s Killing All the Lawyers: The body in the tuxedo
Recent pro bono work includes recording newspaper articles for the Society for the Blind, which makes them available on a touch tone telephone system called Blind Access.
Listen to a sample:
The two samples above are exploratory recordings. If you are interested in getting the whole book in audio, please get in touch with the publisher.